Essay On Nursing Shortage. Within the next ten years, more than one million registered nurses in the United States will be eligible for retirement. This will potentially leave the nursing profession with the largest shortage in history. The need for health care is · Essay on Nursing Shortage. Just from $13,9/Page. Get custom paper. This issue is important and should be effectively addressed since it has been indicated to negatively impact the achievement of healthcare goals which include having improved · In this essay, I would like to Cover my experience in regard of Staff Shortage and its impact on patients safety & quality of care and factors contributing to shortage and its consequences on Nurses, as a Paediatric Oncology haematology and BMT nurse for 14 years in tertiary care setting in Middle East, and how this topic will explain my professional blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
Nursing Shortage Essays Examples
The organization provides the highest level of specialized healthcare in an integrated educational and research setting. The setup have 34 bed capacities designated to Paediatric Haematology, Oncology, Immunology and Bone Marrow transplant, as the services shows it is high dependency and well demand facility and nursing staffing play crucial roles in such aptitude.
Nursing: Nursing is a profession, where nurses utilize their acquired knowledge and skills for the benefits of other individual to help them to go through smoothly during health issues and well-being. Nursing makes the largest body of employees in health care system.
Nurses are a fundamental part of healthcare and make up the major section of the health profession. Nursing staff shortage is not something new; the issue has affected global public from decades, nursing shortage essay. According to the World Health Statistics Reportthere are approximately 29 million nurses and midwives in the world, with 3.
Estimates of upwards of one million additional nurses will be needed by According to Bureau of Labour statistics from monthly labor review United State department of laborHealthcare support occupations and healthcare practitioners and technical occupations are projected to be the two fastest growing occupational groups, adding a combined 2. The combined share of employment for these two groups is projected to increase from 8.
ANA estimated bythere will be extreme registered nurse jobs existing than any other profession, at more thanper year. With more thanseasoned RNs anticipated to retire bythe U. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the need for 1.
The report released from, The United Kingdom UK nursing Labour Market reviewindicated the warning that nursing shortage to be continues as nursing and Midwifery Council showing that more people are exiting than joining Nursing register. Staffing Industry Analysts SIA reported in January,Nursing staff are in high demand in European countries with the high number of job vacancies increasing for the UK, Netherlands, Germany, France and Belgium, from to The data showed that the UK has a shortage of nurses with nurses perinhabitants, the lowest number of the five countries surveyed.
This is compared to nurses pernursing shortage essay, inhabitants in France, 1, for the Netherlands, 1, for Belgium and nursing shortage essay, for Germany. Further records from Job feed revealed that the increase in nurse vacancies between and has grown for all five countries surveyed, nursing shortage essay.
Germany showed the biggest increase at In Netherland, Dutch hospitals force themselves to briefly stop patient entry due to lack of staffing. Providing quality health care involves a secure and suitable supply of health-care professionals, nursing shortage essay. Recently on 03 Nov there was news aired about one of the biggest NHS trusts King George hospital, London will cease providing chemotherapy, from 12 November because four of its nurses have quit and two others have gone on maternity leave, left few specialist cancer nurses to staff the unit.
Impact on patient care: There have been many studies on the effect of under staffed nursing units and departments; here is the overview of some of the findings.
The influence is on safe patient care, caused by prolonged hospital stays, high numbers of readmission rates, rising morbidity and mortality rates, increased infections, as compared to sufficient amount of qualified nurses where such consequences may be less. Infections: Several multicenter studies using large records showed linked between understaffing and high incidences of nosocomial infections. Studies identified some common infections like, Nursing shortage essay, Urinary tract infections.
Infections added to long course of antibiotics which leads to prolong hospitalization, contributed to risks of acquired infections and greater the cost. Staffing is a key element of healthcare-associated infection in critically ill patients. Assuming causality, a significant proportion of all infections could be avoided if nurse staffing were to be maintained at a higher level.
Consequently, cross-transmission rate might be sensitive to compliance to infection control measures and to workload. Failure to Rescue: Some evidences found in relation of lower nurse staffing can influence failure to rescue, which probably caused of complications and chances of deaths increased, nursing shortage essay.
Although not as strong, some evidence exists regarding the impact of nurse staffing levels on failure to rescue death within 30 days among patients who had complications and mortality. A study using administrative data from hospitals in 11 States revealed that a higher number of hours of RN care per day was associated with nursing shortage essay failure to rescue rates.
An earlier study found that hospitals that had more RNs per admission had lower mortality rates. Medication Errors: Nurses plays final role in preventing wrong medications administration to the patients. When responsibility done under stress due to workload, nurse may avoid performing right direction it might cause of error.
Attentive nurses are often step between the nursing shortage essay receiving the wrong medication or incorrect dose prescribed by a physician and pharmacist.
One report stated that extra shift work and work under stress contributed to nursing nursing shortage essay medication administration errors. Patient outcome: There is strong evidence in the literature that nurse staffing levels significantly affect several nursing-sensitive patient outcomes.
Several studies have been performed to investigate the association between staffing issues or increased workload and health-care-associated adverse events, such as mortality, patient length of stay, costs postoperative complications, medication errors, decubitus ulcers, delayed weaning from mechanical ventilation. In addition to that if patient queries not answered in specific time frame, or left unanswered due to short staff, therefore paid to dissatisfied customers and organizations may lose customer trust.
Contributing factors of nursing staff shortage: Nursing shortages can ignite a wide range of challenges for healthcare organizations, solving the problems of nurse shortages and high vacancy rates can be difficult for most healthcare organizations. Customers related factors are Population Growth, Ageing, expectations, demand and level of understanding. However personal issues like; job dissatisfaction, work related fatigue and exhaustion, nursing shortage essay, work and family balance, nursing shortage essay, work place safety, seek for betterment and immigration etc.
nursing shortage essay put nursing staffing in vulnerable edges. Impacts on Nurses: While the nursing shortage presents opportunities for nurses, there are potential negative implications, too.
Having the right number of appropriately qualified, competent and experienced nurses protects both the public and the nursing profession. Nurses often need to work long hours under stressful conditions, which can result in fatigue, injury, and job dissatisfaction.
Through increased pressure, nurses practicing in these environments are more predisposed to making mistakes and errors, with patient quality care suffering.
For these reasons and more, ANA is dedicated to improving the workplace safety for all nurses. Job dissatisfaction can start when nurses are expected to perform non-professional tasks such as delivering and retrieving food trays; housekeeping and maintenance duties; transporting patients; and ordering, coordinating, nursing shortage essay, or performing auxiliary services.
Other factors like; Work environment and design also contribute nursing shortage essay job strain and emotional stresses. Exhaustion: which interfere with the essence of nursing, a heavy nursing workload can lead to distress e.
Nurses experiencing stress and burnout may not be able to perform efficiently and effectively because their physical and cognitive resources may be reduced; this suboptimal performance may affect patient care and its safety. I expect to provide exceptional care every day, not just sometimes. All my patients deserve the best care I can provide; unfortunately this is not always the case, which is something I struggle with. A more stable nursing workforce will reduce the direct and indirect costs associated with staff turnover.
Reduced nurse staffing levels have been linked to poorer outcomes for hospital patients, when compared with higher levels of nurse staffing. These nursing shortage essay outcomes are measured via an increase in mortality rate, nursing shortage essay, infection rates, length of hospital stay, drug error rates and accident rates. Therefore an increase in nurse retention rates nursing shortage essay increase staffing levels, reduce the rates of poorer health outcomes for consumers and reduce the costs associated with staff turnover.
To remain competitive and fiscally responsible, health care organizations must adapt quickly to ever-changing regulatory requirements, nursing shortage essay, quality improvement initiatives, nursing shortage essay, and customer expectations. Nursing Staff Shortage and its Impacts.
com, Dec 10, Accessed May 19, comDec We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. Conclusion: A more stable nursing workforce will reduce the direct and indirect costs associated with staff turnover. Did you like this example?
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Nursing Shortage Essay Words8 Pages Nursing shortage According to Canadian Nurses Association (), human health resources have stated that by the end of Canada will experience shortage of 78 registered Nurses (RN) and shortage of nurses by the end of Globally there will be shortage of million health care workers The nursing shortage refers to any situation in which the labor market cannot keep up with patient demands. Causes of the nursing shortage include poor working conditions leading to high turnover rates, insufficient nursing education programs, and lack of incentives for · Nursing shortage is defined as the inadequate number of qualified nurses to meet the projected demand for nursing care within a healthcare setting, where the demand for nurses is greater than the supply. History of Nursing Shortage Historical knowledge is important to analyze the present and prepare for the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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