Argumentative Essay On Marijuana. Words | 9 Pages. Although marijuana is illegal in majority of the states, legalizing marijuana for recreational use would bring about social and economical reforms that would help deter crime in the country, increase the amount of money the government makes, and also help people that are medically in need of the drug Marijuana Legalization Essays Pros and Cons of Legalization of Medical Marijuana. Marijuana is just like any other prohibited drug like any other The Constitution and the Legalization of Marijuana. INTRODUCTION One of the political platforms of the Duterte The Discussion of Legalizing Essay About Marijuana Legalization. Marijuana also is known as weed or pot is very old. The drug is dated back to Asia in BC. However, they did not use the Marijuana plant to get high, they used it as a healing factor. Marijuana was a good thing until the 20th century. During the s is when the drug really became a problem
Marijuana Legalization Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on blogger.com
The number of people pointing out to the numerous reasons why marijuana should be legal is growing daily. The awareness is growing within the minute but the legalizations still move slowly, with only four states legalizing weed essay the District of Columbia legalizing marijuana in the United States.
In order to properly argument the topic, I would first like to point out to the various systems of marijuana legalization, legalizing weed essay. Netherlands is the source of the biggest taboos on a worldwide level, starting from prostitution and euthanasia to same-sex marriages.
The Netherlands did not only make prostitution one of the most profitable, legitimate industries legalizing weed essay the country, but also allowed the sale of cannabis in At this point, legalizing weed essay, there are over 1, legalizing weed essay, licensed shops that sell cannabis every day, legalizing weed essay. A completely different type of legalization is the one done in Holland. In Holland, dealers who operate illegally are criminally charged, while all drug use is allowed to people over the age of Here, drug use is controlled with the set daily limit of 5 grams, legalizing weed essay.
But should all drugs really be legal? Is the right move to legalize only marijuana or should we put a stop on forbidding people to use any type of drug? The fact is, marijuana is not nearly as dangerous as other drugs such as cocaine. Still, how come marijuana is forbidden for use and other dangerous prescribed drugs are not? As with any other important subject, marijuana legalization also comes with many pros and cons, the biggest con being the negative impact this drug legalizing weed essay on the health of people.
According to this belief, smoking any substance can have a bad effect on the IQ, memory, problem-solving skills and increase the chances of mental illnesses. However, there are very few facts that confirm the latest claim. Actually, the health benefits are one of the 3 reasons why marijuanas should be legal, according to the proponents of the idea. Additionally, legalizing weed essay, there are certain health benefits that come from using cannabis, which is why there is such thing as medical marijuanas.
Marijuana used for medicinal purposes is known to reduce glaucoma and help people go through chemo, legalizing weed essay. According to an article by Discovery Health, marijuana is also known to relieve legalizing weed essay and have a certain effect on the brain.
Even though over-consumption can lead to some problems, legalizing weed essay, there is not a single account of death from marijuana overdose. Many legal things are a much more common cause of death than marijuana.
In the same year, 25, legalizing weed essay, people died of alcohol related causes. If this is the case, how come the world has decided to ban marijuana instead of tobacco? The second reason why marijuana should be legal is the cost. According to official estimates, overlegalizing weed essay, people were arrested for marijuana offenses and this is only on the area of the United States.
This makes the costs for enforcement taxes extremely high, something that would be legalizing weed essay if marijuana were to become legal. The legalization is not only predicted to do this, but will actually create a taxable industry and create thousands new legit job positions. The third point of this marijuana legalizing weed essay that supports the idea is addiction itself. With addiction being one of the biggest cons introduced by the opponents of the idea, this is actually an interesting twist.
Marijuana dependence is existing, but is a real breeze when compared to prescription pills, alcohol overuse, caffeine and even sugar. According to Dr. This third point does not mean that marijuana is completely safe for use, which is why any proper marijuana legalization should be carefully crafted to limit people in marijuana consumption.
However, why would people be allowed to smoke a cigarette after a meal and not be allowed to use marijuana for pleasure, since it is actually tobacco that makes more people addicted? And not only this. Marijuana is actually forbidden for use as an illegal, unhealthy drug, when people die every day from alcohol abuse, prescribed medications and overdose from other illegal drugs.
Considering that the laws against marijuana did not make any specific change, it is safe to say that legalization will not increase the use of this drug greatly. The only thing it will do is reduce the cost for prosecution of people who already use the marijuana and create a whole new industry where this drug could be better controlled. The nation seems to be coming to its senses and many countries start to make marijuana legal. Considering all these factors, this is something every country must consider.
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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized: An Expert's Perspective
, time: 4:24Marijuana Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Argumentative Essay On Marijuana. Words | 9 Pages. Although marijuana is illegal in majority of the states, legalizing marijuana for recreational use would bring about social and economical reforms that would help deter crime in the country, increase the amount of money the government makes, and also help people that are medically in need of the drug Essays on Cannabis Legalization. Thomas, Danna Kang. Though the drug remains illegal at the federal level, in recent years states and localities have increasingly liberalized their marijuana laws in order to generate tax revenue and save resources on marijuana law enforcement. Many states have adopted some form of medical marijuana and/or marijuana decriminalization laws, Legalization of Marijuana Essay The Legalization Of Marijuana. The legalization of marijuana is a rapidly growing debate in modern day society. Many Legalization of Marijuana. Legalization of Marijuana: Benefits and Statistics The topic of legalizing marijuana has The Legalization of
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