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Industrial revolution in britain essay

Industrial revolution in britain essay

industrial revolution in britain essay

15/5/ · Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution (s s) was a major turning point in Great Britain and it effected the people and economic structure of Great Britain drastically. This evolution of new ideas and ways of life brought about many positive and negative effects on society/5(47) 27/2/ · During the years of – , Britain experienced the early years of the Industrial Revolution. This revolution impacted the lives of many people in Britain in a mixture of different ways, some positive due to advancements in technology but others negative such as This essay aims to answer the question why did the Industrial Revolution Happen. England was a country that was the ideal for the Industrial Revolution it was an island, so it was perfect for trade. It had lots of natural resources, and also a large population. The

Descriptive Essay: The Industrial Revolution and its Effects |

Home — Essay Samples — History — British Industrial Revolution — The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, industrial revolution in britain essay. During the years of —Britain experienced the early years of the Industrial Revolution. This revolution impacted the lives of many people in Britain in a mixture of different ways, some positive due to advancements in technology but others negative such as the rising child death rates.

However, there is much evidence to suggest that the hardships of the working classes as a result of industrialization have been overstated as there were others factors that were more important, industrial revolution in britain essay. It is fair to assume that the major hardships of this time period were brought about by industrialization. The working conditions of this time period were extremely dire and a major hardship for the laboring classes. The conditions were awfully humid in the factories, it commonly caused lung infections amongst the workers.

Meanwhile there was no system of sick pay or national insurance, therefore, it was in the best interest of the workers to resist their illness. Shift patterns were also difficult, they were twelve hours per day, six days per week as factory owners wanted optimum profits. Due to the extensive hours, workers were regularly exhausted and were subject to fines if it affected their punctuality.

Workers were also at risk of getting hair or fingers trapped in the machinery causing many injuries but having no source of insurance. In contrast, the country was getting richer due to national income increasing. National income in this period increased from £million to £million, industrial revolution in britain essay.

This meant that there was a wider margin for workers for their disposable income. Also, wider ranges of goods were industrial revolution in britain essay offer such as tea and sugar which could be imported. The diet of the labouring class began to diversify. This further suggests that industrial output increased which meant that the variety of consumer goods was also increasing.

There are also other hardships in the period such as the bad harvests that occurred in andthis hardship would have caused intense hunger and a lack of income for farmers. Another hardship was the Napoleonic Wars, which caused a stagnation in the rise of wages, both these hardships were not related to industrialization. There were also social reforms that affected the frameworks of society creating a hardship for labourers.

The Combination Acts of was an integral part of these reforms. Workers had moved to the urban city and lived in close proximity to each other, therefore they shared ideas with their peers and able to voice their grievances to each other. This led to the development of unionism. At the present time, the French Revolution was occurring and the British government were still concerned by the threat of it influencing British citizens.

Therefore, the Combination Laws industrial revolution in britain essay trade unionism and limited the rights of workers and their political voice. On the other hand, this changing framework of society benefitted many labourers. Many argue that the blatant decrease in the standard of living for the working classes was the same but an increase for the middle industrial revolution in britain essay upper classes. The middle classes were broadening their economic opportunities and were able to educate their children without having no disposable income.

This was not possible for the working classes. The upper classes were also getting richer as a result of enclosure. Therefore, it can be argued that the extent to which working classes benefited from industrialization was minor compared to the extent to which the middle and upper classes did and therefore the hardships are exaggerated because of this relative difference.

In conclusion, the impact of industrialization has been overstated as the positives of hardships outweighed the negatives. Also, there were other factors there were more important in worsening conditions for the labouring poor such ass the Napoleonic wars and bad harvests. Many of the problems experienced by the labouring poor, regarding the economy and industrialization were often intensified by the population growth that was occurring throughout the period.

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Causes Of The Industrial Revolution: The Agricultural Revolution

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Industrial Revolution Role in the Britain Development - Words | Essay Example

industrial revolution in britain essay

The Industrial Revolution of Great Britain The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a tremendous effect on the social economic and cultural conditions starting in the Great Britain, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world 1/1/ · Introduction To Industrial Revolution In Britain History Essay The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England. The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries The Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution takes up to 27/2/ · During the years of – , Britain experienced the early years of the Industrial Revolution. This revolution impacted the lives of many people in Britain in a mixture of different ways, some positive due to advancements in technology but others negative such as

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