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Hiv essay paper

Hiv essay paper

hiv essay paper

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, in short, called HIV is a virus that attacks and weakens your immune system, which can later lead to the fatal stage known as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Many people are uninformed of exactly how HIV is transmitted, but the most common route of transmission is through unprotected sexual intercourse HIV and AIDS Essay. Words5 Pages. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. A member of a group of viruses called retroviruses, HIV infects human cells and uses the energy and nutrients provided by those cells to grow and reproduce. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease in which the body's immune system breaks down and is unable to fight off certain infections,  · Paper Type: Essay. Pages: 4 ( words) Download Paper: Views: Good afternoon everyone. Today I would like to inform you all about HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, and AIDS, aquired immune deficiency syndrome. Statistics show that about 35% of AIDS cases have been in the age group of Now many of you may already know that AIDS Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Good afternoon everyone. Today I would like to inform you all about HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, and AIDS, aquired immune deficiency syndrome. Now many of you may already know that AIDS has a long period between infection with the virus and the appearance of symptoms.

Meaning that some of those people between the ages 20 and 29 probably contracted the virus when they were teenagers. Being hiv essay paper most of us in this room fall near or in that age range, my goal today is to hiv essay paper you of how the virus is contracted, symptoms of this disease, and most importantly, the best way to go about taking more precaution into preventing this fatal disease. Don't use plagiarized sources.

HIV can only be transmitted three different ways refer to visual aid. This is the most common way HIV is contracted. It can be hiv essay paper when an infected person has vaginal or anal intercourse with another. This method of transmission is now almost entirely limited to people who inject drugs and share needles. This type of contact between an infected person and someone else is the second most common way this virus is passed.

HIV can also be contracted through blood transfusions. Now blood transfusions are far safer now than they were in the early years of the AIDS problem, hiv essay paper. Sadly, most children with HIV contracted it from their infected mothers during pregnancy or childbirth. Once, or if, this virus is contracted through these ways, the symptoms of the HIV infection may not appear for a long time after the person gets infected. Initial symptoms of the HIV infection are usually the same as those of minor illnesses like the cold or flu.

The symptoms are tiredness, swollen lymph glands, fever, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhea, and night sweats. The presence of these may indicate an HIV infection. Not being able to know right away if your illness is minor or major is just one of the complications this virus carries.

A person cannot determine themselves if he or she has the infection. So if you think you might, hiv essay paper, the best thing to do is to see a healthcare professional so that they can diagnose your condition.

If a person has contracted the virus, these symptoms tend to become more severe over a period of time. Since AIDS is the last stage of a long period of HIV infection, the number of AIDS cases is like the tip of a very large iceberg.

refer to visual. Acute HIV infection progresses over time to asymptomatic HIV infection and later to advanced HIV or full blown AIDS. So as hiv essay paper can see HIV and AIDS are a fatal disease that can be easily contracted without much precaution. Refer to visual The best ways to prevent and reduce the risks that are related to sex are: 1 sexual fidelty.

It is unlikely that a monogamous couple will become infected with AIDS. In other words, do not have sex with just anybody. Make sure your partner has not had several sex partners, does not use intravenous drugs, and make sure its not someone who has had any sexually transmitted diseases.

Simple as that, the more sex partners a person has, the greater the chance of getting an HIV hiv essay paper. And last but not least 5 sexual abstinence. Hiv essay paper is the most certain way of not contracting AIDS. This is also the healthiest choice of all of the above. There are no worries of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases and people who are abstinent usually have fewer problems than those who get sexually involved too soon.

Furthermore, hiv essay paper, the best way to prevent and reduce risks related to drug abuse is to not use intravenous drugs.

The prevention of AIDS requires a lot of self discipline and strength of character. The requirements often seem personally restrictive but are very effective and can save your life. In conclusion, researchers have found that AIDS is the worst end result of HIV. People with AIDS usually lead to death. Unfortunately there is hiv essay paper no cure for this disease and no one has completely recovered from AIDS.

With this, hiv essay paper, I would just like to remind you that the exchange of this disease, be it through sexual contact, the exchange of blood, and the pregnancy and childbirth of an infected mother, can be easily contracted through careless action and no precaution.

Also, hiv essay paper, the symptoms of this disease, if contracted, and its severity can easily go unnoticed since they are almost the same hiv essay paper as the cold or flu. Therefore, prevention and taking more precaution by reducing risks related to sex and drugs is the essential key to staying healthy and, most importantly, HIV negative. Remember that making careful decisions and being cautious can save your life.

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Essay - HIV and AIDS Example | Graduateway

hiv essay paper

Hiv: Hiv And Hiv. Words | 9 Pages. The number of individuals in South Africa infected with HIV is larger than in any other single country in the world. The UNAIDS report estimated that 5,, South Africans had HIV/AIDS, or just under 12% of South Africa 's population of 48 million. In the adult population the rate is %  · The increased incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency yndrome (AID) among the African-American population is an alarming issue. 35% - more than one third - of all cases reported in the United tates and 43% of newly reported AID cases are among African-Americans, even though this population only comprises 12% of the American Nursing Essays - HIV and AIDS. Info: words (9 pages) Nursing Essay. Published: 11th Feb Reference this. Tagged: HIV AIDS. According to Herek and Glunt (), HIV/AIDS is a disease epidemic, but also an epidemic of stigma. In the UK, the number of new HIV has been rising each year since the ’s

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