May 09, · Essay on Independence Day of India. India achieved independence from the shackles of the British rule on 15th August The day is celebrated annually across the Country with great pomp and show. Though, the Independence Day of the country is a gazetted holiday and no official work is done, yet people gather to pay their homage to leaders and martyrs who laid their lives during the Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Mar 12, · Essay on Independence Day. Hello Friends Jai Hind In This post, we will read about ” Essay On Independence Day In + Words” in detail with deep analysis as an Essay On Independence Day. Independence day is the most valuable day for all persons in our country. It is celebrated as a national holiday by the people of India, To mark the 15th August , as the anniversary of India’s national independence from the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins On 15th August , India was declared independent from British colonialism and became the largest democracy in the world. In this Essay on Independence Day, students will find all the important details of India’s Independence History. They can refer to it for their exam preparation as essays are mostly asked in the CBSE English blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
Essay On Independence Day (15 August) In + Words For Students »
But from midnight today, India will be partitioned too. While, therefore, tomorrow will be a day of rejoicing, it will be a day of sorrow as well. It will throw a heavy burden of responsibility upon us. Let us pray to God that He may give us strength to bear it. Here we present an Independence Day essay that teaches children why we celebrate Independence Day, how we should celebrate Independence Day, why Indians want independence, main events in the Indian Independence movement, and what our independence teaches us, along with various other concepts related to Indian independence.
Indian Independence Day was a day when the dreams of national leaders, freedom fighters, and millions of people suffering under British rule were realized. It is the day when India attained its complete freedom from the hands of Britishers. From this day — Aug 15th, onwards, Indian became an independent country. A country is said to be independent if it is not ruled by any other country, essay on independence day of india.
An independent country will have its government formed internally by its citizens, not influenced by any other countries. India was a rich country, blessed with a variety of natural essay on independence day of india and skilled human power capable of doing many tasks that the external world could ever imagine.
The country flourished under its kings who worked immensely for protecting its heritage and culture. The country is home to diamonds and gold. It has contributed great wealth to the world in the form of many books and scriptures on science, health, math, healing, yoga, Ayurveda, economics, polity, and many other subjects. India was a country that was advanced compared to many other countries, essay on independence day of india Britain in those times.
But how Britain captured the power to rule India proves to us what happens when cunningness mingles with economic power. When Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer discovered the sea route to India via Calicut on May 20,Indian rulers and people did not imagine that this discovery would push the country into foreign rule for years.
Inthe British East India Company was formed under the charter granted by Queen Elizabeth. According to this, the British could do business with Asian nations including India. They wanted to get hold of the Indian trade circuit. They made commerce arrangements with the rulers of various kingdoms in India for this reason.
But slowly, the British were drawn towards the massive wealth of India. They started creating differences among Indian kings and rulers to break their unity. The British always believed in Divide and Rule policy. They implemented this with Indian rulers luring them with money and power. They succeeded in creating misunderstandings among the then Indian rulers and finally, could get hold of the Indian trade and commerce.
Unable to leave Indian wealth unexplored, the Britishers believed that getting hold of this rich subcontinent is the way to exploit it fully. They decided to essay on independence day of india hold of the political power over India. In the same period, around the 18th century, the Mughal empire started to decline in India.
After the Battle of Plassey, the British gained a stronghold in the Indian political arena. The East India Company established its rule.
They introduced English as the medium in schools in This paved the way for the introduction of Western Culture in India. Before the actual independence struggle, there were many rebellions in India on a small scale. Though they could not create a nationwide awareness about freeing India, their impact is huge. Some of the important events in the Indian independence movement are as below:. Rebellion by Maveeran Alagumuthu Kone: Maveeran Alagumuthu Kone is one of the earliest freedom fighters of India.
He laid the foundation for the Indian freedom fight. However, his forces named Marudhanayagam forces were defeated at the hands of British forces, essay on independence day of india. He was then executed in Resistance from Mysore Kings: The wars between Mysore Kings and the British rulers in the name of Madras Presidency are significant.
They happened for a period of over 30 years at regular gaps. The Mysore rulers gave stiff competition to the British, however, they were caught and the Mysore presidency was taken over by the British in Inthe British captured the Telangana province from the Nizams. Odisha went into British rule around The fight of Rani Velu Nachiyar, the queen of Shivaganga, Karnataka lives in history forever.
She was a brave warrior and fought the British and continued to rule the kingdom for a decade more. Later follows the heroic stories of Veerapandya Katta Bommana and Tipu Sultan. Both gave intense competition to the British, however, sacrificed their lives in the end. British dragged away all the provinces from Indian rulers either by hook or crook.
They then started their atrocities to an extreme level that turned no more acceptable for Indians. Some of the many incidents that Britishers created a rage in Indians by willingly hurting their race, sentiments, culture, and traditions are as below:. In Septemberthe king of Kalinga now Odisha received a message from the British rulers mentioning that he had no more rights on the Puri Jagannath Temple.
At the same time, the Raj Guru of Odisha Kings was murdered by the British, essay on independence day of india. This is one of the biggest cultural shocks that triggered the immediate need for Indian independence by the Odisha kings. It was inthat Indian sepoys who were working in the British army realized how badly they were being treated by the British. They were paid low compared to British sepoys, constantly abused and treated unwell based on their color and language, and some attempts were also made to convert Indian sepoys into Christianity.
All these raised a deep spirit of protest in the Indian sepoys working in the then British army. Backed by their rising power in India, the British started removing Mughal successors and important family members of Mughal rulers from their forts.
They also started the abolishment of princely existence under the Doctrine of Lapse. The major trigger for the rebellion, however, started in The Indian sepoys in the British army were using the Pattern Essay on independence day of india Cartridges. The edges of these rifles were believed to be smeared with the fat of cows and pigs.
The soldiers had to remove these edges or the caps with their teeth before they could use this. This forceful act that was related to the cow and pig irrevocably hurt the sentiments of both Hindus and Muslims in the army. It was at the same time that the brave soldier Mangal Pandey stood up against the British over this essay on independence day of india. He inspired many other soldiers in the army to fight against the British rulers.
The sepoy mutinies continued in various provinces including West Bengal, Awadh, and many places including Gwalior where Rani Lakshmi Bai was killed. All these created a loss of power essay on independence day of india the British East India, which had to hand over the power to the British government according to the Government of India Act Then the British government was formed in India under the leadership of the Viceroy.
He was also called the Governor-General of India. During this transfer of power, the British Queen, Queen Victoria promised that Indians will receive equal respect and status in all the government positions and other aspects.
However, in the later years, the British did not stand to this essay on independence day of india. The unequal treatment given to Indians in the high positions also was a cause for the demand for Indian independence.
Henceforth, Britishers stopped outrageous activities that hurt Indian sentiments. They started enrolling officials into the highest positions of the Government through Civil Services. But, essay on independence day of india, at the same time, in a controversial move, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, presented the title Empress of India to Queen Victoria, which was against the British Traditions.
Ever sinceorganized movements were started in India under the leadership of various national leaders. Some of such groups and greatest leaders include:. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan successfully brought together all the Muslims of India. He was also the founder of Aligarh Muslim University. Swaraj, the concept of Indian freedom was first raised essay on independence day of india Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak, essay on independence day of india.
It was his notion — Swaraj is my birth rightthat deepened the thoughts of millions of Indians to fight for their freedom. Later followed the splitting of the Indian National Congress due to many reasons. InSikhs, Hindus, and Muslims recognized the need to fight with unity to drive away from the British from India. The All-India Conference of Indian Christians AICIC also played an important role in raising the essay on independence day of india of swaraj and opposed the bifurcation of India based on religion.
The Bifurcation of Bengal and many conspiracies that followed have had their share in promoting nationalism in India. However, it was the return of Mahatma Gandhi from England that paved the way for the united spirit among all the nationalists. Some of the critical incidents that happened from this stage are:. Or else, the session warned for another Civil Disobedience Movement. In FebruaryJawaharlal organized the Lahore session and it was decided that 26 January should be observed all over India as the Purna Swaraj complete self-rule Day.
Inthe Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed, according to which the Britishers freed all the political prisoners they arrested to date. Despite all these the conflicts between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League continued. The next revolutionary movements kept occurring all over India every often, essay on independence day of india.
However, the next major steps towards Indian independence freedom included the raise of the Gandhian Movement, the efforts from Lal Bahadur Shastri, the military approach followed by Subhash Chandra Bose, and many other national freedom fighters of India.
The Quit India Movement in was another major step towards bringing Indians to one platform to win freedom for their Motherland.
The Indian soldiers offered their support to Britain in the 2nd World War. And in return, the force of Britain was so heavy from the Indian freedom fighters to emancipate this country from their rule.
Meanwhile, there was an increasing push from Muslims for a separate nation.
Independence day Speech - Essay on Independence Day -15th August Speech 2020 - Independent India
, time: 4:30Essay on independence day of India

Feb 10, · Importance of Independence Day in India Essay: India celebrates 15th August every year as its Independence day. It is the day the country got freedom from its’ oppressors, the British government. Independence Day holds a special place in the hearts of all Indians Mar 12, · Essay on Independence Day. Hello Friends Jai Hind In This post, we will read about ” Essay On Independence Day In + Words” in detail with deep analysis as an Essay On Independence Day. Independence day is the most valuable day for all persons in our country. It is celebrated as a national holiday by the people of India, To mark the 15th August , as the anniversary of India’s national independence from the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins May 09, · Essay on Independence Day of India. India achieved independence from the shackles of the British rule on 15th August The day is celebrated annually across the Country with great pomp and show. Though, the Independence Day of the country is a gazetted holiday and no official work is done, yet people gather to pay their homage to leaders and martyrs who laid their lives during the Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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