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Essay on first day at school

Essay on first day at school

essay on first day at school

Personal Narrative Essay: The First Day Of High School Words | 4 Pages. once summer was over high school here I come. I won't even lie, I was terrified to start as a freshman in high school. All of the rumors that I heard with baby freshman day, and all the stuff they do to freshmens on the first day of school Mar 23,  · To begin with, my first day of high school was exciting. I was ready to get away from the childish games. I was mostly ready to get away from a school that was small and still had playground in the schoolyard. It was time for me to accomplished bigger and better things and get ready for college May 14,  · Home — Essay Samples — Education — First Day of School — My First Day Of High School This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers

My First Day At School Essay | Bartleby

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Fear started taking over. I was walking into my first school in St. I had traveled a long distance from dominica in order to join my father, who had been here for a long timehoping America would help my future.

My father decided that I would be better off going to school here, so I enrolled in the local high school in my new town. I was afraid how I would do. On the first dayI went to my second period class after I had missed my first. I was already confused because in dominica the teachers switch according to periods while most of the students have the same periods.

With anxiety on one hand and fear on the other, I reached for the door knob, opening it slowly. Without paying attention to them, I went straight to the teacher and asked if this was the right class.

Then he asked me to choose where I would sit. I chose the seat closest to the door instead of the corner where all of the boys were sitting.

my first day of high scholl was very exciting and disapointing because. sdosbhbsdknbsbndsjlbsdlbbgr ebiv, fnd. bdjbidibdibndbbvjddbnkdibinvbib ubibvi,nbidbikn. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- h. jnohikbbkbfiunbigjibkvbiuyichbibgkibdicygkidbygfidohvfiybcgl- oshoncbigdftdihnvbgfdgdfygbcubhdhgibfgf.

My first day was exciting and bad. I was essay on first day at school glad to be out of middle school and on to the next level, essay on first day at school. My best friend and I always talked about when we get to high school we were gone do this and that. The reasons why my first day were bad because I was looking stupid getting lost and I had to be separated from essay on first day at school best friend.

Otherwise, essay on first day at school, my first day did get better because I made new friends, and met new people. To begin with, my first day of high school was exciting. I was ready to get away from the childish games. I was mostly ready to get away from a school that was small and still had playground in the schoolyard. It was time for me to accomplished bigger and better things and get ready for college.

this event. This is what this paper has explored through my childhood memory. This reflection paper has helped me to understand that the method of memories creation is influenced by an amount of factors including; my way of thinking, my believes, interests and my explanatory of the things around me.

If my childhood memories are exactly, I would like to say that I had a comparatively happy childhood. I had a loving family who supported me in everything I did. One of my favorite childhood memories is the essay on first day at school trip to Canterbury Tales. I remember this trip like if it was yesterday. I was only 6 years old and I remember how excited I felt when my parent tells us about the trip one week to the day of going away, essay on first day at school.

I had heard interesting stories about Canterbury Tales and I was so excited that in a week I would finally get the chance to visit this place, essay on first day at school.

The wait was long for this day seemed longer hours and seemed like months. Then the day came and we were all set to go abroad on this trip, after all the preparation. My father, my mother, my sister and I grabbed our bags and went unto the car and headed straight to the airport, leaving very early that morning. We arrived at noon. We had a nice which was like an eye opener for us.

We were then divided into two groups i. switch my buzzing alarm clock off it was 7am. I did not sleep very well because it was my first day at secondary. Part of the night I was feeling restless but I did not know why. I was feeling rather anxious throughout the night but I was happy to start a new life. I worked over to open the blinds for once the sun was shining bright as my new uniform. I worked over to make sure that my uniform was still hanging in wardrobe. My uniform was looking unique there was not a single crease to be seen.

I had a quick glimpse at my back salute shoe they looked great spanking new shoes. I got ready quickly because I was curious of the time I did not want to be late for my first day at school. Standing in front of the mirror admiring my new uniform I was impressed with myself looking so smart.

I was a little bit confused of how I should tie a knot in my new school tie. I was panic I rushed over towards my dad and tied my tie for me. I was feeling lot me relaxed, essay on first day at school. Subsequently, I made my way to the dining table; I had cereal with cold, white, fresh milk.

As I had my first bite, my hand had a strong but stable grip on the spoon because I did not want to spill it on my brand new Walking into a brand new school for the first time with a bundle of happiness and a twisted knot in your stomach indicating just how nervous you really are, sure is a way to start your first day of high school.

It is natural on the part of every student to remember the first day at school. Recently, I just became a 9th grader. I remember the day as a unclear haze, that resembled a impossible puzzle to complete. The night before was spent with stories of high school back in the last couple decades or so.

Ever so often was an, "Oh you'll blend in," "You've grown so much," and "I cannot believe you're already in high school. The first thing I came to realize was a large building pacted tightly together within a compound wall. As small as I am, i couldn't not seem to put the puzzle pieces together but luckily a map became my bestfriend. The schedule was confusing at firstsince it was a long summertime before I had last read one.

Nothing felt stable or ordered, everything seemed like it was going to be chaotic any minute. A few seconds later the bell rang, as I thought to myself how much I did not ever recall a harsh stop and ponder during the summer about miss the bell My First Day of High School The beeping of my alarm clock sounded like a countdown. The first day of high school was only two hours away.

I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. The bus ride to the school was only ten minutes, but it seemed a lot longer. When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day ahead of me was about to get a lot more complicated though with all the work, finding a seat at lunch, and getting lost. After already being late to my first period and all of the not-so-bad classes afterwards, it was lunch time.

I dropped off some books at the locker I shared with my boyfriend, and walked down with him. We went up to get our lunch and came back to find our seats were taken. We soon found out getting up meant risking your seat. The whole lunch period everyone was talking about how their day went Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays My First Day of High School. My First Day of High School Topics: SchoolPrimary schoolEducational stages Pages: 3 words Published: August 8, essay on first day at school, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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My First Day In School Essay : Essay on My First Day In School in English for children and students

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First Day In School Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

essay on first day at school

Aug 08,  · The first day is always the hardest. You go from being the leaders of the school, to the babies of the school. It was the first day and everybody was full of both excitement and fear. I looked around, I saw a bunch of crowded newbies all around me, anxiously awaiting the bell, at the start the only person I could recognise was Chiara Sep 07,  · My First Day at School. Essay No. Life is full of new events. Going to a school for the first time for a child is to face a new situation. It is a new event for him because its atmosphere is quite different. First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was July Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Personal Narrative Essay: The First Day Of High School Words | 4 Pages. once summer was over high school here I come. I won't even lie, I was terrified to start as a freshman in high school. All of the rumors that I heard with baby freshman day, and all the stuff they do to freshmens on the first day of school

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