Dangerous driving habits result in the death of thousands of people each year; however, by taking steps to educate young drivers on dangerous habits behind the wheel; countless lives could be saved. Distracting driving is a common occurrence with modern day drivers This may vary from driving while under the influence to texting while driving. Some of these dangerous driving habits include speeding, driving too slow, eating while driving, failing to signal, using your cell phone. Dangerous driving habits can be seen on highways, on residential streets, and in parking blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins · Essay on Dangerous Driving Habits Many of Today’s Drivers Have Dangerous Habits The majority of traffic accidents are caused by dangerous driving habits acquired and practiced by drivers. A recently new dangerous habit is the use of a cell phone while driving. The most dangerous driving habit is driving after consuming alcohol
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Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Dangerous Driving Habits A few years ago most of the traffic accidents were mainly caused by impaired drivers who were either under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. According to the Florida Traffic Crash Statistics that number has considerably dropped compared to previous years. Intraffic crashes were reported, dangerous driving habits essay, an average of accidents a day.
But surprisingly, dangerous driving habits essay, only 20, of these crashes were related to alcohol impairment, about crashes were related to other drug or substance abuse, and the otherplus crashes are related to none other than driving distractions. In today's traffic commuting the average American spend about 20 to 40 minutes confined to their vehicles most likely stuck in rush hour traffic.
Within this time frame there is a high tendency to get distracted by doing something else. Distracted driving is basically any activity that takes the driver's attention away from the task of driving.
This distraction occurs when the driver's focus is on something other than the primary task of driving. This of course increases the risk of driver error and crash involvement. A recently new dangerous habit is the use of a cell phone while driving. The most dangerous driving habit is driving after consuming alcohol. It only takes seconds for something terrible to happen. A dangerous driving habit that has recently increased is the use of cell phones while driving.
Kiaa Johnson Johnson 1 Melissa LaChance ENGF Dangerous Driving Habits Most traffic accidents are caused by dangerous driving habits attained and carried out by drivers. All these accidents can be easily avoided if people are aware dangerous driving habits essay the dangers these habits represent to them and other people.
I think drivers today are too comfortable getting behind the wheel of a dangerous driving habits essay. Driving has become something that no one really thinks about while they are doing it. It just comes natural to most people these dangerous driving habits essay. One of the many examples of dangerous driving habits that we all might have been guilty of a time or two is using the cell phone while driving in town or on the highway; it is rare not to see someone driving while talking on his or her cell phone.
I am guilty of doing this myself. My son and I were on our way home from his preschool one day, and I heard my cell phone ringing and reached down to get it out of my purse. The next thing I know I am DANGEROUS DRIVING HABITS Many of today drivers have dangerous driving habits that cause many accidents.
We all know people in our family or friends that we hate to get in the car with because of there reckless driving. We see dangerous habits on the highway, city streets, even on gravel roads when they think no one is watching. Dangerous drivers cause many accidents that take a love ones life and destroy families everyday.
There are many different types of dangerous drivers. Young drivers that think they know it all but lack the experience in driving in various weather conditions, driving at night, or along the interstate.
People that drive under the influence is a big onewe hear about kids being killed by a drunk drivers all the time. People that drive to fast or putting on makeup while driving or eating and driving, dangerous driving habits essay. There are just so much that people do while driving that endanger people around them and you might not even realize it until its to late.
The biggest dangerous driving habit we see is talking and texting while driving. It takes your concentration Driving my son to school every day can become a hassle. There are so many dangerous oppositions we face when on the road. Many drivers today are developing very dangerous driving habits, dangerous driving habits essay. Speeding, eating, texting, and drinking while driving are some of the unsafe habits I have witnessed while in my car Dangerous Driving Habits I believe drivers today drive more careless then in the past.
Sure people have always eaten, put on make-up and yelled at their children, but I believe cell phones play a big part in dangerous driving habits. I would say just about every time I get in the car I can dangerous driving habits essay that I will someone on their phone while dangerous driving habits essay are driving. Concentration needs to be the main focus while driving. I left the house for a drive to the store. I got behind a car that was going a lot slower than the speed limit.
Finally we got to a point where the street went from dangerous driving habits essay lane to two lanes. I started to pass the car and when I looked at the driver what did I see, she was using her knee to steer the car and she was texting on her phone. She kept looking up then back at her phone. I see the commercials about these drivers that have died from texting and driving dangerous driving habits essay it scares me.
You see the dangerous driving habits essay that they were trying to send and you think to yourself that it could have been prevented and or driving a car. Nowadays, more drivers have begun to develop excessively dangerous driving habits. Not too many people know, but, dangerous driving habits essay, traveling by car is actually a lot more jeopardous than flying on a plane. You would truly be a lot safer by taking a train, or boat or anything else.
Unfortunately, our society has become dominated by time; causing us to ignore everything around us, putting us at serious risk. Not many people know, but, you are more probable to die in a car wreck than in a plane crash or any other type of transportation mishap. There are aboutroad accidents in Canada every year. According to the Transportation Safety Board approximately to people are killed on Canadian roads each year. Almost all of these accidents are caused by dangerous driving.
There are many different levels of dangerous driving. This may vary from driving while under the influence to texting while driving. Some of these dangerous driving habits include speeding, driving too slow, eating while Everyone will eventually cross paths with a reckless driver.
Dangerous driving habits can be seen on highways, on residential streets, and in parking lots. You do not have to travel far to see people driving with risky driving techniques. Many of us survive these situations, but some do not. Dangerous drivers kill people and destroy property everyday. Younger drivers can be dangerous drivers simply because they lack experience dangerous driving habits essay in various environments, such as driving at night, or driving on interstate highways.
But there are drivers from all age groups that have dangerous driving habits. Even older drivers are sometimes dangerous because their senses and reflexes are not as good as they were. While driving in town or on the highway, dangerous driving habits essay, it is rare not to see someone driving while talking on your cell phone, dangerous driving habits essay. Driving while talking on a cell phone not only takes your concentration away from the road, it also takes your eyes away from the road.
Technology has added to dangerous driving habits. Cell phones especially. Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Dangerous Driving Habits.
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5 Legal Driving Habits No One Does!
, time: 13:53Bad Habits Driver Free Essay Example

Speeding falls in the category of a dangerous driving habit. It is most dangerous in residential neighborhoods where children play along the road. Again, it is risky while entering and exiting roads. While speeding, a driver will fail to see impending risks. For example, a child riding a bicycle may stumble and fall. A driving who is speeding may not be able to break in time and · Some bad habits that dangerous drivers practice are: Speeding Driving at an excessive rate of speed is quite common. This practice is especially dangerous when driving through a residential neighbourhood or a school zone. Posted speed limits are not meant to be suggestions; ignore them and you run the risk of being stopped and ticketed by police Dangerous Driving Habits 1. Dangerous Driving Habits. Many of today's drivers have dangerous habits. The main cause of fatal accidents is bad 2. Dangerous Driving Habits. The least dangerous driving habits are more like annoying occurrences. Though there are 3. Bad Driving Habits. Many
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