Conflict Resolution Essay. Words6 Pages. A group can only be called a team if the members are actively working together toward a common goal. A team must have the capability to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and share responsibilities. For a team to be successful, trust must be earned between its members by being consistent and reliable (Temme & Katzel, ) Conflict resolution in any work place is a challenge to employees and employers. There are many causes of conflicts that include poor communication which leads to misunderstandings and differing Apr 14, · The Conflict Resolution Essay is published in the Journal of Conflict Management, a journal of the American Psychological Association. An important paper, in my view, is the use of conflict style inventories that people use to improve communication about conflict resolution
Conflict Identification and Resolution - Words | Essay Example
Conflict simply refers to a form of disagreement which occurs when an individual or group of people differ significantly as a result of power, values, and practices, among other aspects that matter to them. As it would be observed, conflict is inescapable where two or more people come together, whether at home or in places of work. Conflict in all scenarios occurs for various reasons, such as different knowledge, lack of resources, poor communication, misunderstanding, perceived oppression, incompatible values, and varied expectations, among other factors.
Whenever it occurs, conflict brings serious consequences to the parties involved. Some of the negative implications associated with conflict include, but are not limited to, lack of motivation among employees, slowed or lowered productivity, and spoiled relationships. Rather than hoping conflict will go away by itself, this paper tries to identify some of the reasons why disagreements tend to occur and how to deal with them successfully in a team environment.
In order to address the components of conflict better, this conflict resolution essay explores a conflict that took place in my organization sometime back. I work conflict resolution essay an administrative supervisor for the U. Marine Corps. Disagreements are common with the Marines, as with other professionals, and in my area of responsibility, I encounter many forms of internal conflicts either between individuals and individuals or individuals and departments.
One of the most serious cases of conflict I had to deal with recently was caused by internal circumstances, and it involved a high-ranking officer conflict resolution essay his subordinates.
In this conflict resolution essay, it was alleged that the officer who is in the rank of a sergeant applied rigidity upon his subordinates. As conflict resolution essay result, there were many complaints from most privates and other low-ranking officers who claimed that matters within the unit overseen by this particular officer were becoming more questionable everyday following his strict leadership style.
The sergeant was the kind who can neither listen nor take advice, especially if this came from the people under him, conflict resolution essay. In this regard, the subordinates, who believed that they had a role to play in the decision-making process of the organization, thought that their rights were being violated by the sergeant. In this regard, the subordinates started showing resistance to the officer in manners that were more open and this would trigger a conflict between them and the officer in question.
The source of this particular conflict was organizational because it involved a leader and his subordinates in the workplace. More importantly, it was in a role conflict level, conflict resolution essay, since it involved differences in role definition or responsibility. While the officer tried his best to ensure that his command was felt throughout his area of command, the subordinates thought that he was overstepping on them, and in that case, he only succeeded at dividing them rather than keeping them in harmony, just what was expected of him as a supervisor.
The subordinates felt that the management approaches used by the leader were violating their comfort in the organization, and they would consider it a form of harassment extended to them by the officer, something which they could not take any longer, conflict resolution essay. This conflict had reached a bad stage and had started interfering with the normal operations of the organization since a lot conflict resolution essay time was spend addressing disputes arising between the leader and the subordinates.
These disputes were characterized by regular arguments and threats. When it was apparent that the parties involved in this conflict could do nothing to end their differences, it was clear that immediate intervention was needed to help them resolve their issues. As the administrative supervisor, I had a direct role to play in addressing this conflict, where I would assist in resolving it using the most appropriate procedures before it erupted to something worse.
In this regard, I decided to use a win-win approach where the interests of both parties would be considered equally and get solved through collaborative means. In this case, my first step was to collect relevant information from the parties involved to confirm the source and the level of the conflict. Being aware of the source and the level of the conflict, it was easy for me to address the issue effectively using the most reasonable approaches, conflict resolution essay.
I made every effort that was possible to understand the concerns of the parties involved in the conflict, conflict resolution essay, and this would give me an insight on conflict resolution essay approaches to use to approach the matter.
I also had to look keenly beyond the matter to identify how far the conflict the conflict had come and the point it has reached, probing questions from both parties where possible. Some of the questions that I asked the parties would be when the problem started and the best ways that they thought could be used to go about the issue.
This helped me to understand the take of each side as the matter was concerned, and as a result, I was able to draw the right decisions and conclusions on the conflict.
These developments were sealed in a peace covenant that was marked conflict resolution essay a shake of hands between the sergeant and his subordinates where both parties agreed to work together towards resolving the departmental problems that could bring negative effects to the organization, conflict resolution essay.
There are various outcomes that would reasonably occur as a result of a fruitful resolution Humphreys, For example, this particular resolution helped to reduce tension between the sergeant and conflict resolution essay subordinates since there were no more disagreements on leadership or responsibilities. This resolution also helped to conflict resolution essay both the officer and his subordinates, thus leading to improved performance at work.
More importantly, this resolution would enhance a mutual understanding that served as a basis for a more open work relationship between the two parties. Deutsch, M. The handbook of conflict conflict resolution essay Theory and practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Humphreys, M. Natural resources, conflict, and conflict resolution uncovering the mechanisms.
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Conflict Resolution Techniques
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Conflict Resolution Essay. Words6 Pages. A group can only be called a team if the members are actively working together toward a common goal. A team must have the capability to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and share responsibilities. For a team to be successful, trust must be earned between its members by being consistent and reliable (Temme & Katzel, ) Dec 21, · We will write a custom Essay on Conflict Identification and Resolution specifically for you. for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Conflict simply refers to a form of disagreement which occurs when an individual or group of people differ significantly as a result of power, values, and practices, among other aspects that matter to them Sep 20, · Sample by My Essay Writer. D escribe four categories of conflict and give examples of each. Groups are often in conflict because of facts, methods, goals and values. The root cause of the conflict, which falls into one or more of these categories, needs to be identified in order for the conflict to be resolved, (Conflict, ). It is likely that a conflict can more likely be resolved over a fact, rather than when a conflict has values as its root cause
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