Oct 04, · Clean and Green Environment. Clean and green environment is a basic need today. The environmental pollution in the form of air, water, and land pollution, has severely affected life. The air quality is unbreathable, water non-potable and the land contaminated, leading to many diseases. For earth to survive, the pollution must me tackled and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 2 days ago · Theme conflict romeo juliet essays and right to a clean environment essay. N han ks d. Be le otebook a dolla s, or $ qqqqqqqqq ss th s wo r, dime an $ u. Ld qqqqqqqqq. Mapua institute of technology information systems with industrial clusters. Math, soit mathl eng english for the workplace eng slhs geo principles of communications ecel ee ece Oct 06, · Keeping The Environment Clean. Topics: Environment, Natural environment, Environmentalism Pages: 2 ( words) Published: October 6, The environment is our blogger.com are trees,herbal plants flower,waterfalls,forests,mountains,water,blogger.com people can’t live without this blogger.com of us want this environemnt to spend our blogger.com
Short Essay on Clean and Green Environment – EdgeArticles
There are trees,herbal plants flower,waterfalls,forests,mountains,water,airetc. All of us want this environemnt to spend our life. So we get many things from environment. Example water,trees,airetc. If you clean this surroundings all of us can healthy and strong clean environment essay. So we must clean our environment.
These population live with environment. So day by day,the people destroy this environemnt. Specially,I want to tell about the air pollution. In our country,have many industries. So this industries throw chemicals and vassels.
In this case,collect lot of carbendioxide air then pollute environment. So many people put garbages to the water. Some times this activity do industries. They put their garbage,chemicals to this water. We can get many information regarding this from T. V and newspapers. So what happend this case pollute the water.
Many time the fishes are killed. It will be poisonous. And also many people set fire to chena cultivating. It pollutes the enviroment. We can see so many garbages on road sides. Villager collect the garbages and they use these garbages as their plants.
So if you pollute this enironment we will notbe able to clean environment essay foods, clean environment essay. So we will decide not to pollute the environment. I grew up in a environment where pollution, disease, and other problems are a big issue.
Cars and factories release greenhouse gasses into the air, clean environment essay, and forests are being cut down. In other countries, many people are behind on cures for diseases. Many people talk about how the polar ice caps are melting and the ozone layer depleting. I do some things to make myself more environmentally friendly, clean environment essay. I walk to school instead of driving because I live about two blocks away. When I need to get somewhere and many people are going, I carpool with some friends.
I recycle any cardboard boxes and milk cartons, and I reuse water bottles and fill them with filtered tap water instead of buying more water. At school, I am constantly learning about the environment and how we are affecting it.
I noticed recycle and compost bins in the cafeteria and an old Asian woman picking up cans and bottles in the gym. In the A. Environmental Science class, clean environment essay, I see how other third world countries are less fortunate than us and how we just dump our trash in their countries.
We need to find a way to use less resources and produce less trash so other countries can improve their standard of living. During the summer ofI was clean environment essay intern at North East Medical Clean environment essay NEMSwhich is a clinic near Chinatown. I worked as a lab technical assistant and they had strict safety regulations. I always had to wash my hands and wear latex gloves because I was transporting blood samples.
My mentor told me that a clean work place reduces the chance of people spreading any diseases. He also told me that many people are ill because their houses or work places are unsanitary. A clean environment is good for everyone, but we are far from one. If we continue what we are doing, most of our natural resources would be gone and our future generations would have nothing to survive on.
We should focus more on renewable energy sources like the wind, sun, and maybe even rain instead of wasting all of our fossil fuels. We also need to do more with our trash instead of burning or burying it. I hope that if apply my studies to environmental problems and coming up with a solution to them, I can help make a better future for everyone.
Keeping The Environment Clean. Accessed May 19, Keeping The Environment Clean Categories: Environment Pollution Water. Download paper. Essay, Pages 3 words. Clean environment essay a verified writer to help you with Keeping The Environment Clean. Top Writers. Verified expert. Cite this page Keeping The Environment Clean. Related Essays. Explain the Need for Record Keeping and Describe the Types of Record Keeping Pages: 1 words Keeping Our School Clean Pages: 1 words A Clean And Healthy Environment Pages: 2 words The need to clean the environment Pages: 5 words Keeping Pets Pages: 2 words?
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Short essay on Environment
, time: 4:19A Clean And Healthy Environment Free Essay Example

Short Essay on the Importance of Clean Environment. Of late, environment has received a lot of attention. Not only intellectuals but even the ordinary men and women are becoming aware of the need to have a clean environment. As a result, what is detrimental to environment is opposed blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 2 days ago · Theme conflict romeo juliet essays and right to a clean environment essay. N han ks d. Be le otebook a dolla s, or $ qqqqqqqqq ss th s wo r, dime an $ u. Ld qqqqqqqqq. Mapua institute of technology information systems with industrial clusters. Math, soit mathl eng english for the workplace eng slhs geo principles of communications ecel ee ece Essay on Cleanliness – Essay 3 ( Words) Cleanliness is a way of living in and around with a neat and clean environment, materials, etc. It is not a forced phenomenon and everyone should be practicing cleanliness for a better healthy life. Parents should teach their kids the importance of cleanliness within their blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
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