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Borderline personality disorder essay

Borderline personality disorder essay

borderline personality disorder essay

20/11/ · Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Borderline Personality Disorder Examples. Borderline Personality Disorder is a severe mental disorder comprising of Borderline Personality Disorder Statistics on Prevalence. The term borderline is in reference to the boundary between Causes of BPD. The 26/6/ · Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline personality disorder or BPD can be defined as the serious mental illness that is characterized by unstable relationships, behavior, and moods. For the first time, the BPD was called the diagnosable illness in Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Borderline personality disorder Essays. 7 essay samples found. Corellation between Psychopathy and Serial Killers. For those who share a love for psychology we often might wonder what goes on within the mind of a psychopath. The question I am pursuing after is what makes a serial killer and what could done to prevent a developing psychopath?

Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. A core aspect of BPD is an intense fear of abandonment. Whether real or imagined, this fear may lead to frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, panic or hostile behavior. Identity issues frequently affect intense changes in relationships, goals and interests wild mood swings although short lived. Individuals who suffer from BPD can experience a chronic sense of emptiness. They may also experience the expression of disproportionate or inappropriate anger resulting in temper borderline personality disorder essay or physical fighting stemming from uncontrollable emotions.

Additionally, dissociative symptoms or paranoia may be experienced under stressful conditions leading to irrational thought processes. Although self-harm and suicidal behaviors can be genuine and should be taken Borderline Personality Disorder For the second film analysis, I watched "Girl Interrupted. People with Borderline Personality Disorder "are often emotionally unstable, impulsive, unpredictable, irritable, and anxious.

They also are prone borderline personality disorder essay boredom. Their behavior is similar to that of individuals with schizotypal personality disorder but they are not as consistently withdrawn and bizarre" Santrock, In "Girl Interrupted" Susanna Kaysen the main character, goes through many episodes that give a picture of the disorder she's suffering from.

The first such incident occurs when the psychiatrist is talks to Susanna about her failed suicide attempt. During the conversation, she is seen as confused and irritated by his presence. While the psychiatrist questions her, her mind seems to be somewhere else because she is having flash backs of her past, maybe a sign of ADD Attention Deficit Disorder. Susanna seems to be uncertain about things, she claims that she does not know what she feels. She was taken to borderline personality disorder essay hospital after she tried to commit suicide, she took a bottle of aspirin.

Her reason for taking the full bottle of aspirin was major headache, which was also Personality traits normally begin at adolescence. Most of these traits are upheld through most of life, while some of these traits change as we get older.

Personality disorders are inescapable, borderline personality disorder essay, rigid, and lasting patterns of behavior that cause significant anxiety or disability.

Taylor Seegraves Mr. Willet English 9B borderline personality disorder essay May Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder is identified by an unusual depth of moods.

Bpd has been known to affect relationships between friends and family. People who are diagnosed with bpd have an unstable self image and feelings of abandonment. Moods may change from high positive regards to heavy dislike or extreme hatred. Self-harm and suicidal behavior can occur and require inpatient psychiatric care.

Symptoms of bpd can be found in children, without treatment, symptoms can worsen potentially leading to suicide attempts. A diagnosis of Bpd is made by a qualified mental expert.

Symptoms that may be present are a marked tendency to engage in quarrelsome behavior and to have conflicts with others; liability to outbursts of anger; with the inability to control the resulting behavioral explosions, and have a unstable and impulsive mood, borderline personality disorder essay.

Other symptoms that may be present are an uncertainty about self-image, liability to become involved in intense and unstable relationships often leading to emotional crisis and recurring threats or acts of self harm. Impulsive behaviors are common such as eating disordersunprotected borderline personality disorder essay, and reckless driving, borderline personality disorder essay.

Impulsive behaviors can also include running borderline personality disorder essay, shoplifting, and quitting jobs. in the lo0ng run people with Borderline Especially when it comes to personality disorders like Borderline Personality Disorder that often causes hostility and distance between those who are supposed to help the 18 million people affected by the disorder. The reason that occurs is because BPD is often accompanied by other illnesses like depression, anxiety, or even a conflicting personality disorder.

BPD, 1 There is also a fine line as a patient with BPD is more ill than someone who is neurotic, and less ill than someone who is psychotic, only making it harder to diagnose. BPD is a serious issue as it impacts patients in all aspects of their lives. Firstly, Borderline Personality Disorder can influence a person both mentally and physically.

As those affected with BPD tend to live recklessly, borderline personality disorder essay, they are prone to engage in impulsive activities such as substance abuse, promiscuity, and self-harm. Physically, someone with BPD is more likely to have issues like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue disorderarthritis, Some hypothesize that if, as a child, the borderline personality disorder essay was separated from their mother they are more likely to develop BPD, therefore developing intense anxiety, hypersensitivity to rejection, and feelings of abandonment.

Medications: SSRIs are the preferred medication given to patients with BPD. Common SSRIs are Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil, Luvox. Antipsychotic agents and opiate receptor antagonists may also be considered, borderline personality disorder essay, such as, Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa.

Benzodiazepines are contradicted because they reduce inhibitions and are therefore likely to increase impulsivity. The common characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder are a marked instability in personal relationships, mood, everyday functioning, affect, mood, and reality. It is five times more common in those with a first-degree relative with the diagnosis.

It is the most common personality disorder found in the clinical setting. This disorder is found 3 times more commonly in woman than in men. Borderline Personality Disorder What is Borderline Personality Borderline personality disorder essay Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by a repetitive pattern of disorganization and irresolution in self-conception, interpersonal relationships, mood, and demeanor.

The instability associated with this disorder is often disruptive to the individual's personal and professional life, long term goals, and self identity.

Webster's New World Medical Dictionary states, "Distortions in cognition and sense of self can lead to frequent changes in long-term goals, borderline personality disorder essay, career plans, jobs, borderline personality disorder essay, gender identity, and values.

The individual can often maintain this appearance for a number of years until a stressful situation, such as a breakup or a death in the family, causes an emotional collapse. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, Borderline personality disorder is a disordered behavior pattern that develops by early adulthood, and is characterized by multiple types of psychological instability and impulsiveness, often involves intense and frequent mood changes, fear of abandonment, and a risk of suicide according to Merriam-Webster.

We all have unique personalities borderline personality disorder essay no two people are the same, for instance like our fingerprints. Personality disorders are diagnosed by a classical system of descriptive psychopathology within a framework adopted by the American Psychiatric Association APA and published in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM.

The DSM has had many revisions with the latest revision being published in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersborderline personality disorder essay, 4th edition DSM-IV-TR is used to diagnose psychiatric illness.

The DSM-IV TR has a multiaxial approach that includes five dimensions. Axis I: Clinical Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Borderline Personality Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Pages: 2 words Published: July 31, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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9 Things About Borderline Personality Disorder You Need to Know

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Free Borderline Personality Disorder Essay Sample

borderline personality disorder essay

Borderline Personality Disorder (Bpd) Essay Words10 Pages Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious psychiatric disorder that is not well known among the greater population. Throughout the years many advances to treat a once untreatable disorder have been developed 31/7/ · Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by a repetitive pattern of disorganization and irresolution in self-conception, interpersonal relationships, mood, and demeanor. The instability associated with this disorder is often disruptive to the individual's personal and professional life, long term goals, and self identity Borderline personality disorder Essays. 7 essay samples found. Corellation between Psychopathy and Serial Killers. For those who share a love for psychology we often might wonder what goes on within the mind of a psychopath. The question I am pursuing after is what makes a serial killer and what could done to prevent a developing psychopath?

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