Essay about A Clean Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Words3 Pages “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” was written in , by Ernest Hemingway. The main characters in the story are two waiters, one old, one young and an older man who is their customer in the café on the evening the story takes place A Clean Well Lighted Place - Theme and Setting Essay. Words | 4 Pages. Theme and Setting A clean well lighted place by Ernest Hemingway has a few themes that stand out clearly but the one theme that stands out to me is despair. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, despair means to lose all hope or confidence 18/6/ · A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Analytical Essay Introduction. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway. The main characters in the Conclusion. The short story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place gives a detailed account
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Essay - Words
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Emotions like love, hatred, jealousy, pride, despair, loneliness and anger are portrayed through the characters. The plot revolves around these emotions, for the characters are gripped by the emotional influences which add intensity to the story. The emotions of loneliness and despair, which are part of human lives, have been depicted in numerous literary works.
Although no human being wishes to experience these emotions, life creates circumstances in which one has to face these depressing emotions. Old age is one such stage of human life which is supposed to harbor loneliness and despair. The setting in the story is a clean well-lighted cafe where a deaf old man is having his drinks.
The conversation between a young waiter and an old waiter reveal the state of mind of the drunken old man. The setting in the story is crucial, as it reflects the thinking of the lonely old men who aim to escape from the world of darkness and despair. Setting The story focuses on the plight of old a clean well lighted place essay who are overwhelmed by the feeling of despair and loneliness. The setting of the story is crucial for the portrayal of the theme of the story.
The cafe which is bright and clean is a place which provides comfort to the deaf old man grappling with isolation and hopelessness. The feelings of the deaf man are understood by the old waiter, for he is also experiencing similar feelings in his life.
And for both them, the cafe is a place which aids them to escape from the gloomy world of despair. Young people fail to realize the significance of well-lighted and clean place in the life of old people, battling with despair. The young waiter represents the thoughts of youth who are unable to comprehend the suffering of the old people. All the characters are present at the same setting but the way they look at the setting differs vastly.
For the old waiter and the deaf man, the cafe is a source of succor and comfort. They view the cafe from same perspective, for they are experiencing similar feelings. On the other hand, for the young waiter, the cafe is just a workplace. So he is eager to finish work and go to his house where his wife is waiting a clean well lighted place essay him. The deaf man seated in the cafe and having his drinks serenely, point towards his quest for tranquility.
He chooses the night time to visit the cafe, for he wants to avoid the crowd that would be present in the cafe during the daytime. The deaf man is isolated from the society he is living in and even in the cafe he desires to be alone, enjoying the brightness and calmness of the cafe in the night. The cafe is an integral part of the plot of the story; it is here that all the action in the story is taking place. The views of the characters regarding the setting of the cafe bring forth the theme of the story which is centered on the loneliness of the old people.
The interaction of the characters in the cafe provides an insight to their thoughts and attitude towards life. Contrast The contrast in the setting of the cafe and the world of old people aids in depicting the sorrow and suffering of the old people, a clean well lighted place essay. The cafe is bright and clean whereas the world of the deaf man and the old waiter is full of darkness. It is this contrast that compels the deaf man and the old waiter to spend more time in the cafe.
The brightness of the cafe brings light into the dark world of the deaf man. He drinks himself into a drunken state, hoping that sleep will come—taking him from the quiet desperation that has already caused him to attempt suicide once. Even for the old waiter the brightness of the cafe relieves him from the feeling of despair for some time. He is free from depressed thoughts when he is in the well-lighted cafe.
The moment the deaf man and the old waiter leave the cafe, a clean well lighted place essay, they feel lonely and gloomy.
Another contrast that is presented through the setting in the story is the divergent views of old people and youth.
The deaf man and the old waiter view the cafe in a perspective which differs from the outlook of the young waiter. The contrasting views of the old waiter and the young waiter prove that young people fail to realize the feelings and loneliness of the old people.
The young waiter thought that the deaf man had no cause for being depressed, as he was wealthy. He believed that money brought happiness and contentment. It is this different attitude of a clean well lighted place essay young waiter that makes him to treat the cafe just as a place where people came to satisfy their drinking needs, a clean well lighted place essay. The significance of the cafe in the lives of the deaf man and the old waiter is in contrast to the views of the young waiter who wants to leave the cafe as early as possible.
The young waiter seeks respite from the cafe whereas the old man and the deaf man find relief by being in the cafe. Feelings The setting of the cafe and the manner in which each character in the play looks at the cafe brings forth the feelings of the characters.
The feeling of despair and loneliness, on which the story focuses, is presented through the setting of the cafe, a clean well lighted place essay.
The deaf man is lonely and engulfed in sorrow, so the bright cafe seems to provide him some relief from his dark world. He aims to spend more time in the cafe instead of going to his home where loneliness prevails over him.
The old waiter also experiences the same feelings of despair and so he also wants to stay in the cafe for more time. The bright cafe produces same feelings in the deaf man and the old waiter. The young waiter has a wife who is waiting for him in his house. He is eager to leave the cafe and go to his house, as his wife is present there to provide him company. For him, the cafe is just a place where he comes to earn his livelihood.
The setting of cafe is an important element of the fiction in the story, for it aids the reader in comprehending the feelings of the characters and it is these feelings that portray a clean well lighted place essay theme of the story. The cafe with its bright interiors attracts the deaf man and the old waiter towards it, and the reason behind this attraction conveys the message of the author.
The understanding of the story lies in the significance of the cafe in the lives of old waiter and the deaf man. The isolation of the old people from their societies is depicted through their feelings towards the cafe.
A well-lighted cafe is the place where the whole plot of the story a clean well lighted place essay. The deaf man who is having his drinks in the cafe is the subject of the conversation between the young waiter and the old waiter.
The views of the old waiter which shed light on the importance of the cafe in the life of the deaf man, a clean well lighted place essay, present the loneliness and suffering faced by old people. The setting of the bright cafe, which stands in contrast to the dark and gloomy world of the old people, assists in bringing forth the circumstances in which the old people are leading their lives.
The young waiter whose thoughts regarding the deaf man and his habit of staying late at the cafe, reveal the insensitivity of the youth towards the problems of the old people, a clean well lighted place essay. For the old waiter and the deaf man, the cafe is a source of temporary relief from their dark world. The theme and significance of the story is depicted through the setting of a well-lighted and clean cafe. Works Cited Brown, Charles. htm Hemmingway, Ernest.
A Well Lighted Place. html Lombardi, Esther. A Clean Well-Lighted Place. com: Classic Literature. Accessed May 19, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order.
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The Meaning of Nothing -- On Ernest Hemingway's 'A Clean, Well-Lighted Place'
, time: 16:30Analysis of “A Clean Well-lighted Place” Example | Graduateway

22/6/ · The feeling of despair experienced by old people is portrayed in the short story “A Clean Well-lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway. The setting in the story is a clean well-lighted cafe where a deaf old man is having his drinks. The conversation between a young waiter and an old waiter reveal the state of mind of the drunken old blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 5/11/ · A Clean & Well-Lighted Place Essay: Character Analysis. A Clean and Well-Lighted Place is a well-known Hemingway’s short story that deals with eternal life questions. The author elaborates on such philosophical categories as age, perception, and the sense of life. Ernest Hemingway Essay about A Clean Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Words3 Pages “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” was written in , by Ernest Hemingway. The main characters in the story are two waiters, one old, one young and an older man who is their customer in the café on the evening the story takes place
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